Please begin praying for Max's surgeon now. His name is Dr. Charles Fraser, Chief of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery. We are so thankful for the way God assigned our case to Dr. Fraser...I'll tell you more about that later.
Pray for Dr. Fraser's work days leading up to the 25th; pray for his family and his daily practice; pray that no unnecessary stress or diversion of focus will take root in his life while Max is under his supervision.
We love you all so much and are grateful for the faithful prayers of our friends!
Love the blog! We are praying for you all!!! And we will be in touch!
the lynns
Carl...it will be our privledgeto pray for the surgeon, your family and Max at this time. May our Lord be praised around every corner you turn...may the surgeon team be fixed and ready for all that will take place...My our Abba's peace fill your hearts and Max's with the knowledge that God has placed this in your family to point others toward Jesus. And finally that healing will already be taking place in Max's heart.
A wise women once told me (as I prepared for surgery)"The Lord has already gone before you."
Love and Joy! Steve & Debi Ogle
We don't personally know your family but as I watch my 2 1/2 year old lay sleeping in her bed last night my heart was moved for you and your family. We know His ways are perfect and we praise Him that His hand is on Max, your family and Dr. Fraser. We will be lifting you up in the days ahead.
Hemingways (friends of Lynns)
Carl - I am so glad your blog link found it's way to me. It has been quite a while since we had a chance to talk, and although I had heard about Max, I was not aware of his heart problem. Know that Cam and I will be praying for Max and your entire family over the coming weeks.
Josh Huff
Hey, Carl & Courtney--Just a quick note to let y'all know that you've been mentioned in the throneroom of heaven this morning. Press on!
Mike Madaris
Got your information from our friends at Temple. We are praying for Max, Dr. Fraser and your family through this trying time. God has shown us miracle after miracle and we feel in our hearts that through the awesome power of prayer, we will see another one in Max's surgery. God bless.
Carl and Courtney, We are praying for Max as well as you and your family. Hang in there, this will soon be a distant memory. We pray that Max is tolerating the band aids.
We love you,
Charlie and Vicky Chatham
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